I watched the ending of the Colts-Steelers game at work with between 7-10 customers and 3 employees. There was no skate sharpening going on, no fitting rooms being opened, no flexing of sticks. Everyone was firmly glued to the big screen TV as they first watched the Steelers sack P. Marino's ass down to his own two, then Bettis get the ball, then Bettis fumble. There was a weird silence when he did that, then one of my employees uttered what I can only describe as the male coom noise, only a little more guttural. When Vanderjagt missed the kick most groaned in agony. There may have been tears shed. The level of involvement from employees and customers in the watching of the game was only surpassed once, and that was during a key power play in the Minnesota-Michigan NCAA final (frozen) four a few years ago. I thought it strange that a Colts Steelers game would command so much attention.
Anyway, it seemed like most of the people were rooting for the Colts, specifically Peyton Marino. I'm unsure why. Maybe they don't want another Marino, they, in the true montessori fashion, want everyone to win. I think I even felt that way a couple years ago. I don't anymore. I want to see him lose. I want to see him get blown out, lose heartbreakers, lose games that weren't his fault, and lose games that were. I think it's good for the game and good for the world if we can all set our clocks to certain facts that will never change. Chris Harrington will never successfully clear the puck from his zone when needed, and will also be the closest defender to an oppostion goalscorer when the replay is shown. A Glen Mason coached squad, when given the opportunity to stop a team on third and long, will not. The Twins will never have a 30 homerun hitter. Peyton Manning will not win a Super Bowl. These things provide a little balance and order to my world, and although I'd like to see most of them change, I will never root for Manning to win the big one.
I now root for this guy ===========>
And how could you not??? Just look at that sweet stache. Tom Brady eat your heart out. Jake the Snake for MVP.
Anyway, it seemed like most of the people were rooting for the Colts, specifically Peyton Marino. I'm unsure why. Maybe they don't want another Marino, they, in the true montessori fashion, want everyone to win. I think I even felt that way a couple years ago. I don't anymore. I want to see him lose. I want to see him get blown out, lose heartbreakers, lose games that weren't his fault, and lose games that were. I think it's good for the game and good for the world if we can all set our clocks to certain facts that will never change. Chris Harrington will never successfully clear the puck from his zone when needed, and will also be the closest defender to an oppostion goalscorer when the replay is shown. A Glen Mason coached squad, when given the opportunity to stop a team on third and long, will not. The Twins will never have a 30 homerun hitter. Peyton Manning will not win a Super Bowl. These things provide a little balance and order to my world, and although I'd like to see most of them change, I will never root for Manning to win the big one.
I now root for this guy ===========>

And how could you not??? Just look at that sweet stache. Tom Brady eat your heart out. Jake the Snake for MVP.
As far as rooting for the Colts, I can say that I'd rather have them lose in a bigger game, say the AFC championship or Superbowl. Plus, Pitt v Den? I can't say I'm jumping up and down for that one, despite J.Plummer's top notch facial hair (don't forget he was a Superbaby). Antwaan Randel El has to be in the top 10 for most annoying pro athletes. What a douche. Bill Cohwer (sp?) has also been annoying lately with his uncharacteristic stupidity.
So add to the dull matchups the garbage dump the refs claimed was officiating this weekend, I may never watch football again. I'll just comment on the one call for now: The Leon Lett meets Champ Bailey touchback. Yeah, I'm calling it a touchback, because it fucking was. I'm not sure if anyone noticed (we had the sound off)but the referee who made the original call on the field was about 35 yards behind the play. Then on review it is clear the ball goes into the endzone before he was out of bounds. The only way that ball goes out at the one is if it takes a "JFK-esque" ninety degree turn, which, if we're going to accept the television cameras as functioning properly, it did not do. In this era of play when I wanna, team distraction bullshit, the NFL needs to apologize to Ben Watson or whatever his name is for taking away what would have been one of the greatest hustle plays in the history of the game. Which reminds me, Champ Bailey is a bitch pussy too, now how am I supposed to cheer for the Broncos...?
Yeah - between Seattle vs. Carolina and Pitt vs. Denver - I can't wait to get to next weekend.
Let's start an actual top ten of annoyning pro athletes. On the NFL tip - I'd like to nominate Clinton Portis and his forced, contrieved attempt at a personality that goes ignored every week (except by Tony Kornheiser) and Jerry "god I'm so good at everything I do and let me tell you all about it" Rice. Obviously - there are all the selfish pricks like T.O. that are easy targets - but let's try to come up with athletes, current or former - who are generally idolized that really deserve to be on a shit list.
One more list idea - top 10 people you want to kick the shit out of in a back alley. I'll start.
1. Bono
2. Tom Cruise
The only good thing about football anymore is that my Mom knows not to call me on weekends because I am drunk and don't want to go to her house for dinner. After the Superbowl - I lose that built in excuse.
One last NFL note: This is totally unrelated to anything - but I hope Daunte Culpepper never plays another snap in the NFL - let alone the MN Vikings.
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