Monday, July 16, 2007

A representative from the U of M police department just said this on the evening news - in relation to charges filed against Dominic Jones.

"....a cell phone video showed Dominic Jones finishing a sex act on the face of an unconscious female victim, which obviously took the investigation in an unexpected direction....."

I bet he had a boner behind the podium.


Blogger f theb said...

I find the amount of stupidity increasingly amazing among certain sections of people under the age of 24.

1. Dominic Jones tapes himself (or allows someone else to tape) going Peter North on an unconscious chick with a BAC of .3. Even after the choice is made to tape it... maybe it should be erased or moved or something. Just a thought.

2. Genarlow Wilson is in jail because he participated in oral sex with a 15 year old (he was 17). Georgia laws are a bit fucked, so he's spending 10 years in prison. If he would have had straight up intercourse with the 15 year old, he would have gotten a misdemeanor and maybe 12 months. Oral sex got him 10 years and Sexual Offender status. Why did he get arrested? He taped it.

3. I just fired two people for making hateful, personal remarks about ownership on their facebook pages, and didn't hire a kid because his myspace page included pics of him draped in confederate flags with racist slogans plastered everywhere else.

And on, and on, and on. could be tight though.

11:47 AM  

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