$50 Quit Smoking Challenge Begins!
Today at 12:00pm the smoking bet began. Lani, Matt, Nicole, and your boy Teeblah quit smoking at noon. Last one to smoke collects 50 USD from the sore losers. Things are going pretty well considering over here at Team Ashland. I can only amagine the chaos over at Team 36 1/2. The humanity.
Good luck to all involved... and I think I'll play along too. I haven't smoked since Friday Night... but I just bought a buy one/get one Parliament last night... tricky. Did you guys just have a smoke fest on Sunday night then? Just devouring packs and smoke-smoke-smoking until your pink little lungs said enough??
27 hours and I feel strong. Like bull.
Best of luck to all contestants. I think those of us over here at the Smoke-Free Minnesota Coalition are rooting for you all. Cristin doesn't think any of you will make it past Wednesday. But I'm not supposed to write that. I liked what Paulson said, though, that he was putting his money on the cigarettes.
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