Tuesday, January 17, 2006


There has been a lot of talk lately about who is and who isn't going to Chicago for ST. Patty's Day. I am.

Anyways - I'd like to finalize plans - or at least the preliminary plans - so we don't get caught with our pants down. The following should provide the necessary details for all to make their decision.

We would leave for Chicago Sometime between noon and 3:00 PM on Thursday, March 09 and return on Sunday, March 12. PLEASE NOTE that this is one week before St. Patricks Day.

Ryan thinks he can accomodate 4 - but I think 2 is more realistic. The alternative plan is to get a hotel room - and have everybody who is traveling - even if staying with Ryan and Krissy - split the cost of said hotel room.

Beyond these minor details - the plan is to get outrageously drunk in a strange city amongst people will never see again - and maybe give a girl a baby if we play our cards right at the Hangge Uppe (sp?).

Baron Von Whipplepuss wants to get a fancy hotel - but I still think the Days Inn next door to Ryan's apt makes the most sense - but feel free to comment on this. We would need 1 or two volunteers to drive - depending on what type of vehicle(s) are available.

Everyone please weigh in on this sooner than later so we can all get it on the books.


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