Finally getting around to posting about the weekend. I fun time had by all I would assume. Perfect weather and some solid bocce, although Sober Lani some how retains his title. Had to hit up Wiki for a little clarification.
Also after many of you left on Sunday, James, Cristin, Nicole, and I went to the dump. There was an insane man there as you might assume working the dump in Gordon, WI. He pretty much heckled me the whole time. Then one of the bags ripped in the back seat. Awesome. Anyway, afterward we head to the Old Oak to get some food. James and Crist order Diet cokes and Nic and I order Heavy Cokes. Dude comes back with 4 cans of soda, 3 cokes and one diet pepsi. Alright whatever, but James diet pepsi tastes a little funny so he checks the exp. date, last Aug! Nice, so we order up the food and the dude is weird then too, stepping on Cristins foot and than accusing her of playing footsy with him... So he comes back with the food and James gets the fish sandwich instead of the chicken he clearly ordered. The food altogether was pretty bad and we go pay our tab. Some dude at the bar starts telling me about how his brother that lives in Minneapolis and doesn't ahve any friends because he is always on business trips in South America. Finally, we are done paying and aas we walk out the door James gets one of those big gumballs from a machine at the door. The gumball is stale. I am shocked. Three strikes for James and you have to wonder if his bright blue "DFL Family" shirt had anything to do with it in the middle of the deep woods of North West Sconnie.
I knew I shouldn't have lowered my bet with Mark. Damn it. Lani is a poser - we should put an asterisk next to his title - for possible use of poser enhancing substances.
You should have just went back to Pogo's for the worlds largest corned beef sandwich. I am still recovering from that bad boy.
FYI - if anyone runs into Molly at Legends - be aware that I broke up with her when we got back. Definitely not my best idea in hindsight - but since when have I been succesful in that arena....
Did shit go that terribly over the weekend?? Black eyes, anyone?
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