"I handed him a cigarette packet. He opened it, took out a cigarette and put it between his lips. He then reached out his hand again and I gave him the matches; to my astonishment he took one out of the box, struck it, lit the cigarette, and threw the box back down on the table."
-- Gerald Durell The New Noah 1972
--Found on Chloroform in Print by Jake Brake
So it has begun, and once again good luck to all, and Paulson's definitely got the right idea in choosing the Camels/Parliaments.
A couple things, quickly. First, anyone who hasn't done so needs to read this. Chuck Klosterman is blogging the Superbowl for ESPN, and so far it has been magnificient.
I wonder just how many out there are blogging about the State of the Union? I will not fall victim to such trivial things. I'm all about the Wild getting housed, the European place I'm struggling for with Bolton in FM and funny ESPN site parodies, like this and this.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go tease my longish hair to flip up in the back, cementing my status as a "stand up guy and one hell of a skate sharpener"*
*= Actual quote from a customer to one of the owners of the store in reference to myself.
This post is fucked and I can't change it, no matter how hard I try. How stupidly foolish of me to assume I could use different size fonts in the same post... It seems like you can... I even see it as I want as I type this, shit, here's a screenshot of what I'm seeing right now. Once I hit publish though, boom, everything is fucked. Fuck this. I quit.
So, if you can read any of that... I've explained things at the bottom of the post. Anyway, my other thought was, to those involved in the bet; If you had the opportunity to smoke with that monkey, would you sacrifice your 50 dollars to share a smoking moment with it?
50 hours and I don't care if I live or die.
I don't think I would pay 50 dollars to smoke with that monkey. I'm under the impression that a monkey that cool wouldn't be part of any 50 dollars to smoke with the monkey-side show-freak fest. I mean who put that together, Joan Rivers?
"..eggchhem...ahh...whaa... ahh...alright monkey, this whole red carpet queen scunt gig isn't quite paying what it use to now that we've been relegated to the TV guide channel, so anyways I am going to teach you how to smoke and then we'll go on the road and charge people 50 bucks to smoke with you and I'll sit outside the dirty tent and collect the money while impatiently smoking through my secret trach-flap and drinking heavily and beating you between shows and telling you 'why you made me do it, you stupid monkey! You make me sooo crazy! It is your fault I beat you. God I love you...'
What was I talking about?
Also I fixed your font prob, douche. It wasn't that hard.
That is a pretty cool monkey.
Also, as of last night it is down to 2; me and Nicole
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