Thursday, June 08, 2006

Fucking Twins Fuckers

First off, I wish I was at the cabin last weekend. Hopefully nobody gave themselves any black eyes while vomiting on the deck this year.

Where to begin with our lovable losers?

Maybe we could start at the top, with the man in command, Mr. Ronald Gardenhire. His roster decsions, lineup decisions, in-game management and overall presence in the dugout may cost the Twins 20 games this season, minimum. Why would you want to bring in Joe Nathan, ever, anyway? Obviously he's terrible, and Jesse Crain is way better. You have to like Juan Castro's leadership out there as well. I mean, why else would you want a guy that's batting .236 with a .267 OBP and 7 errors (which should be realistically be around 10-12, due to some questionable scoring decsions). He must be one charming motherfucking shortstop. And at this point, is Boof honestly a better option than Scott Baker? From all accounts, Baker seems to be the one with more potential. Torii needs to go run through coach's stop signs, underachieve and stir the pot somewhere else, Rondeezy, Batista, Ruben Sierra, and everyone else over the age of 33 and hitting under .250 need to be dealt with as well. It almost makes me sick to see the players that we continue to run out there.

I think it's time to admit to ourselves that it's a lost season, that a huge reason the Twins ever won anything in recent years was due to the fact that they played against shitty teams from AL Central's past, and that steps need to be taken to ensure that when the new park opens up in 2010, they don't put a team on the field that still includes Tony Batista. You have Santana, Liriano, Nathan, Mauer and (maybe, I'm not giving up yet) Morneau. If they start now, they could pull a mid 90's Indians, move into the new park, dominate, sell out 3,000 straight games and we can all take showers in champagne after our huge statewide orgy. You know, the Indians have retooled sucessfully twice in the last 10-12 years. Maybe the Twins should take a look at what they're doing and follow suit, because when you pride yourself on "doing the little things right", then go and get picked off, miss signs, miss bunts, and botch defensive plays, you aren't really doing what you set out to do, and maybe you need to try something else.

I'll probably continue to stay up until 1:30 AM and watch them lose, because I really have nothing else to do, and usually "Yo Momma" isn't on around that time. But rest assured a lot of people are going to start turning them off, and then what do you have? The Minnesota Timberwolves.


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