I go home for lunch today,I forgot my sandwich in the fridge, and I turned on CNN to see a developing situation in Boston. Apparently 5-6 suspicious "packages" where causing Police to shut down areas all over Boston. This is all over so I hope being on the internet this isn't the first place you've seen it; Teeblahg cannot be responsible for your breaking news needs. That being said it was hilarious to hear tv reporters try to figure out what Ignignok was and this woman explaining that the character was "flipping the bird".
From Reuter's :
The packages looked roughly similar, according to police and local media. Most contained wires emerging from a plastic casing. Four were found hours after officials blew up the first suspicious package below a highway in the morning.
They freaking blew one up!?!
From Local 10 (Boston)
"This is a perfect example of our passengers taking part in Homeland Security," [MBTA Lieutenant] Venturelli said.
Indeed. A light-brite being confused with a bomb. HIBACHI! This is so on fire.
Further surfing finds that 10 cities were taking part in a grassroots ad campaign in concordance with the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie coming out next week or something. The directions to make these signs (seriously they are lite-brites) were posted on the web. Apparently the've been up in LA and New York for weeks.
In other news...I have video of the Holli's ordeal. I'll post it tonight.
I think it's awesome that they blew one up, although I must admit I know nothing about the cartoon.
Don't they have devices for looking closely at that kind of stuff?
Are we becoming paranoid of paranoia itself?
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