It's been fairly well documented that I'm lacking spice, meaning, sex and competition in my life, and I'm looking to do something about at least three of those four things in the coming months.
I'm thinking of kind of a olympics of bar games, board games, rec games, etc.
2 person teams. Events could be Darts, Pool, Bocce, Trivial Pursuit, Golden Tee, Silver Strike, NHL Hockey, Fussball, maybe golf, poker, some other board game, etc.
It would take place over a couple weekends and have a scoring system more complex than then the Russian figure skating scoring system.
Thoughts? Interest? Games to suggest? Hate the idea, and as a result of that, hate me?
Get at me.
I'd like to get at least 4 or 5 two person teams, but obviously the more the merrier.
I am absolutely down. Are the teams same or mixed gender or both? Should we mandate a male/female combo? Or do we not know enough girls willing to hang out with us?
I think NHL hockey doesn't fit - that is a pretty specific skillset that not everyone has played. Just my thought.
I also think you add a tandom case race - first team to the bottom of a box of beers, ya know?
How about bar style trivia instead of trivial pursuit?
Catch phrase could be added....bean bags or testicle toss.....
We should also institute a Lannigan Law that forebids one team from staying sober while the other team has fun.
I think if you outline the schedule, events, and scoring system I clear my calendar and begin looking for a partner - depending on how the mixed or same sex teammate answer comes back.....
I don't know enough girls to mandate a male/female deal, although these games are such (maybe besides pool, although Jeannette Lee would beg to differ) are suited to both sexes fairly equally.
What is bar style trivia? NTN?
I love baggo but don't know anyone with a setup.
Lani law would be in full effect.
Perhaps a caps game/beer pong/quarters/drinking contest should be mixed in, to ensure maximum non-soberness.
I think each game should be subject to a "warm up" game of quarters. This way the Lani law is in effect - and the better quarters team gets the advantage for the real game. You could keep track of quarters game wins as a side bet and do some statistical analysis of how it affected the outcome of the real game....
Legends has bags - we'd just have to host that event there....
Bar style trivia like the dubliner on Sundays - one shot - twenty questions - several beer breaks. Created and calculated manually by a drunk irish dude.... instead of the more strenuous trivial pursuit.
I'm dissapointed that more people aren't on board with this. If nothing else - you and I will comprise a team and we'll compete solo for benchmarking purposes...
I have some non-blogger(or non-nerd) dudes that are in - Zed, Fwang, Wally, Hahn, etc. I'd say there's probably 6 or 7 solids, and a few more maybes. We're close to getting at least four teams.
F Theb
I don't know
So there's 8 there, but I guess I wouldn't call Fwang a solid yet because he's a little flighty and planning a Mexican wedding.
So, we should start hammering down events.
Here are some that should probably be in no matter what:
Bar Game Category
1. Darts 2. Pool 3. Bean Bags (if done at Legends) 4. Silver Strike 5. Golden Tee
Outdoor Category
1. Bocce 2. Bean Bags (if done at a home)
Kitchen Category
1. Trivia
That's 8 events. So the maybes I'm thinking of are another board game of some sort, real golf, poker, foosball, some wii game maybe, and some drinking side action games. Maybe just two of those would bring us to ten events, a decathlon if you will.
Ok - I like the decathalon - let's look at the real decathalon - and pick a defining charachteristic of each event and match it to our options...
100 meter dash - quickness/explosiveness: Pool
Long jump - flying through the air: bean bags
Shot put - raw power and lower body strength: darts
High jump - the ability to get up - viagra eating.... or bocce
400 meters - power and stamina - Golden Tee
110 hurdles - speed and agility - silver strike
discus - learning to spin - NTN/Trivial pursuit
Pole vault - dumb enough to try - poker (team heads up? or 4 man tournament style last man standing wins for the team?)
Javelin - killer instinct - paintball or three hit pelt with the hacky sack or catch phrase
1500 meters - balls to the wall stamina a determination - CASE RACE.
Remember - each game is to be immediately preceeded by a half hour warm up session of quarters.
I think teams should be randomly assigned - to add the challenge of building comraderie and learning each others strengths and weeknesses - all of which can be accomplished in less than 10 1/2 hour quarters sessions.
Any other suggestions for games?
This is a great thing. However I fear the administrative skill necessary is vast and unknown around here.
Fuck you Debbie.
I don't think this could be cranked out in a Saturday, it may take a couple days.
Start at 9-10ish with a bloody and the drawing of teams and going over of events. First event at 11:00. I figure with four two man teams we can either have 8 person tourneys or make it more team involved. With darts for instance, switching off rounds like we usually do at Hollihan's. I figure the average dart matchup lasts around 20 minutes. Times 4 (two semi-finals, third place game and championship) with the pre-requisite drinking and bantering puts us at close to two hours for one event. Nine more. Some events may be quicker, but most will be longer. I'm thinking Golden Tee, Bocce, and Trivial Pursuit (if we do that) will be the long events.
You could save a measurable amount of time if you knock out two events at once, like one teammate does bags while the other does bocce, but that may take away from the team spirit.
At the very least, it could be a Friday night/all day Saturday thing. I'm confident we could knock it out it that time frame, provided there aren't 20 teams. Then we may have to make it a satellite event.
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