Monday, June 26, 2006

First of all - you are all dumb pussies. Second of all - I am drunk. Next up - fabulous stories of my recent 37 inch, 16 pound Northern Pickerel. You all eat ass. I have also recently eaten black pussy. It tasted nothing like KFC. Dissapointment sinks in. Slowly. Anyways - I catch this sweet huge pig of a Northern - get a giant boner - try to keep it from eating my hand, and have an all around good time. You posers all suck. Take time to respond to my case race email. Did I mention I like the hot chocolate? It tastes chocalately.

I ate this bitches box for like an hour. She asks me if I like BJs. I say "yes". She says " I don't do that" Then why the fuck ask? Then she proceeds to put her clothes back on and give me a handy. Boo-urns.

I'm going to go pass out. You are gay (Tom) and (Kimball).

Who wants in on Tori - i Hunter in 2010? Let's start a grass roots campaign tomorrow.

37 inches of sweet, Northern death. I'll post pictures when I get them. You will all be impressed. I spite you all with the power of seven maelstroms. Eat shit. Also buy T-Shirts from Lettermen and buy signs from teeblah. But only if you buy American. And thank the lord for 15 year old Phillipino girls with thick necks and no self esteem. And enjoy minorities and disabled folks when ever possible. Also eat dick.

I'm drunk. You all can eat balls - but only in the most complimentary sense of the phrase. Poop.

Caspian James Crichton-Stuart IV
Fifth Duke of Cleveland
27th Heir to the British Throne
Queller of Uprisings
Incitor of 3-Somes
Go Go Dancer
Eagle Scout
Secret Agent
Bad Ass
Fat Girl Pimp
Perveyor of Vintage Porno
Big Brother/Big Sister Mentor
President of the Max Fisher Players.


Blogger f theb said...

-A definite favorite for post of the year. You need to drop the girl, even if she's black. You can give yourself a handjob.

8:26 AM  
Blogger HandsTeam said...

Definitely post of the year. Especially since I wasn't among those labeled as gay. I love that she put her clothes on before the handjob.

9:07 PM  
Blogger teeblah said...

This blog could be much, much better. I think CJCSIV just made that abundantly clear. We need to be able to rank/give props to posts, take polls (remember FF polls Dircks?). Upload our own media directly to the site, and do file transfers through the site (hotline anyone?). Plus it needs cosmetic upgrading/personalization, a better setup on the main page and features from some of our more prolific blahgers, I'm thinking of giving out subsections/pages/columns to interested parties. Now if someone only had like, unemployed-esque free time to get the job done...

And yes I edited some names out of this post, you'll thank me the next time your boss/potential employer googles your name.

11:12 PM  
Blogger Mike Honcho said...

Thanks for editing the name for me - good call.

Also - thanks for not being offended by the numerous times I attacked your orientation. I somehow feel that this is because you are all bi-curious - but will allow that to come out in a drunken early thirties happy hour that can never be taken back. Someone will admit to having been born with two buttholes, and someone else will admit to being interested in both of them.

How do I post pictures to this damn site - I want to add the promised pictures of the fishing trip. I also think that we should set up some nominations.

Potential Categories
Funniest (intentionally)
Funniest (unintentionally)
Least appropriate for work
Most in need of a follow up
Most boring (possible front runner is Kimball stumping for some little league kids door to door steak sales - or whatever it was)
Most shareworthy (front runner - the Washington skit)
Most invovled (dirks' fantasy baseball stuff - or the rap music as oldies rant - this category to include comments - so possibly the paperless strip joint)

Please follow with others.

This would require a new, higher level of commitment to blogging - but the separate page deal might be just the competetive element needed to inspire that.....

If we could only find someone who was perpetually unemployed..... Nicole - do you know anyone?

3:26 PM  
Blogger Mike Honcho said...

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3:35 PM  

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