Thursday, June 22, 2006

Is there anyone less likable than Ozzie Guillen? Check out this link to the story about him calling Jay Mariotti a "fucking fag".
Here is the best part of his "apology":
"Jay, I think I made this guy a lot of money and he's famous. If not for Ozzie Guillen, no one would have heard of him," Guillen said. "If I hurt anybody with what I called him, I apologize."
Another teary-eyed apology from the land of the fuck-tard's, "IF I hurt anybody" Take your caveat and shove it up your ass, you pompous prick. That's not an apology. As for making Jay alot of money and no one hearing of him, WTF? Is he talking about his playing career? No, he must be talking about his managing...But Mariotti has been on ESPN since 2001 and Guillen only been managing since 2004...I guess it must his playing career with his .264 Lifetime BA. Sure, he was a three time All-star and finished 17th in the MVP voting in 1990 but that type of career doesn't exactly create good sportswriters. The worst part about his asinine behavior is that it will probably be backed by his team, since this whole deal is spiralling out of a situation in which he lambasted a rookie last week for not throwing a retalitory bean ball (he was subsequently sent to the minors). This fucking hard ass bull shit. Stop making baseball about your dick. I know it has kind of been that way for ever, but you could say the same thing about women's suffrage, slavery and homosexuality. There comes a point when even the dullest tools in the shed realize a way of thinking is stupid and it should be changed. There is no reason to throw bean balls and retalitory bean balls and incite brawls in baseball. You make millions of dollars a year playing a game. I'm not saying you can't take it seriously but this machismo bullshit is all fun and games til someone gets seriously injured from a bean ball or a brawl. When the dude's family is visiting him in the hospital maybe you can take a step back and realize you're an idiot.

I probably could have tightened up that rant a little but the World Cup is finally on (thanks Dircks) so I gotta go.


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