Thursday, June 21, 2007

Kickboxing kangaroos on a golf course

Yup, pretty awesome.

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Blogger Mike Honcho said...

I'm not really satisfied with the ending....

Here is a list of cool things about this video

1. The guys that are just golfing around them - including the guy that needed about 5 shots to get out of the rough.

2. The way the roos throw their heads back and flail like pansies.

3. The way the smaller one actually goes arborn and flies backwards when the bigger one lands the double leg kick.

4. The dude that pulls the sweet slide move with the golf cart to try and scare them away - I wish they would have turned on him and beat him silly.

But seriously - nice ending. If you filmed that long - wait until one dies or runs away or something. You can't just end it like that unless you direct the Sopranos.

12:32 PM  

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