Tuesday, February 14, 2006

As many of you know - as an aspiring musician - I often times name my as yet unreleased albums ahead of time. I have decided that these need to be documented for my VH1 Beyond the Music special coming in 2026. I have named approximately 30 albums - but can only remember a few. If anyone remembers any -or has suggestions - please feel free to weigh in.

Minong Flowage
Cider, Gimlets and Stew
Where my big low balls at
Quit trying to be Suge Knight Mutha%$#er (greatest hits compilation)
Everytime I poop, I pee a little
Like this fag paired his bitches

more to come.... as I remember or create new ones.


Blogger Mike Honcho said...

How do I edit my original post?? There used to be a little pencil icon that allowed me to make changes. Why is this site changing all the time? Why won't girls have sex with me? Why did the vice president shoot a lawyer in the face with a shotgun? Why can't I love me for me? Why does Tom still piss the bed?

12:09 PM  
Blogger teeblah said...

I think we should start using our blogger handles or last name initials when speaking of: bologna, sex, any member of the president's extended exectutive branch, man love, bed wetting, or rape.

6:13 PM  
Blogger f theb said...

Right, I have a bunch to say here, but all that I know is that my debut CD is going to be named Too Hot For Hugs.

9:11 PM  
Blogger Mike Honcho said...

Dirks - you should write the lyrics to Too Hot For Hugs and post to this site - that way Tom can get drunk and sing it on one of these audio posts.

Maybe he'll get on the VH1 weekly funniest/dumbest things on the internet show.

1:56 PM  

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