Friday, June 29, 2007

In celebrity news, RBC HR Services gets a shot with T.C. the bear. Why is the Twins mascot a bear? Not sure.
Rob Van Winkle was unavailable for comment.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

I have just awoken from a pretty interesting dream.

Picture a state of the art facility on the shores of a lake in northern Minnesota, or New York, or Montana, or wherever it is pristine and people would want to vacation.

Now picture a legion of 20 to 30 something geeks all over that facility talking about fantasy sports while fishing, drinking and generally having a good time.

It's Fantasy Sports Camp.

In my dream I was not attending this camp, but instead had some administrative role with the whole thing that was undefined.

Anyway, think about it. Seminars and or classes for theory/drafting/trading/projecting/etc. for all fantasy sports. Keynote speeches by experts, Diamond Mind and Strat-O-Matic tournaments and strategy sessions, the possibilities are endless.

If ESPN or someone with similar clout and the resources to do it went ahead with this, I think it could be kind of a big deal. Just googling fantasy sports camps brings up a million sites for the other style of fantasy camps, the sporting style, where adults pay huge sums of money to play basketball with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, or baseball with Kent Hrbek. This idea is no more preposterous than those.

And, before you comment, yes, I realize I'm a huge nerd, dork, spaz, geek, haven't seen a girl naked in ages, etc. Get over yourselves.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

Okay, now that I know how to post these videos... Apparently other people have seen this one before, but I just saw it and I was rolling on the floor.

Look at me! I'm a posting machine!

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Dance Time!

Okay, so I finally figured out how to post a fucking YouTube video on the goddamn blog. So enjoy.

I can't for the fucking life of me figure out how to embed YouTube videos in this fucking blog. But whatever, just go to this link. Its a mildly amusing video of me and the rest of the History Day staff showing off our dance moves.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Kickboxing kangaroos on a golf course

Yup, pretty awesome.

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June 6th marked my 6 year anniversary of my employment at Lettermen Sports. It's weird to think that I was living with Blade, Teeblah, Handsteam, and MnRaul when I started. I was just a pup for cryin' out loud.

Anyway, I got a little reflective/retrospective/whatever that day, thinking about the job, my life, etc. and I wondered if I'd ever work anywhere else, or have a 'different' job as it were.

So that's the question. Most or all of us have hit the mid to late 20's, finished schooling, etc. Do you see yourself having another job/career in your life? Or is where you are at where you are at, so to speak. Obviously there are promotions and such within your own field or job that wouldn't apply here, I'm strictly speaking of a big/different move, like if I went and worked for the Gap or something. What do you think? Are you depressed? Is it over? Is what you're driving to in the morning the same thing you're going to be hover-drafting to in the morning in 30 years?

It's really hard for me to answer my own question. I really can't see myself doing anything else at this point, but I guess it makes me want to carve a new hole into my ass when I think about doing what I'm doing in 30 years. I guess I'm banking on Lettermen to become a massive profit making machine, in which case I'll be in on the ground floor and be in a better situation than I am at the moment, but that's quite a bit to bank on.

Anyway, think about it.

By the way, how fun are the tags? I like tagging the very random stuff, thereby defeating the entire purpose of the tags themselves.

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Friday, June 15, 2007

I Got a Crush on Obama

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Thoughts? I'd rather hear from people who have actually watched it through the years...

Friday, June 08, 2007

Hunter: Mauer's a pussy

"I think some people take pain in different ways," Twins center fielder Torii Hunter said. "Some people have to play at 100 percent, and Joe may be one of those guys. I've seen it happen. Joe is a good player, and he wants to perform at 100 percent, not at 80 percent.

"Me, I grew up in a different time. I'm ready to play no matter what -- broken toe, hamstring, groin, back -- and that's the mentality I've grown to have."

Friday, June 01, 2007

Okay, Friday Fun Time!

All/some of you may know about my early Saturday morning boot/street hockey league. I play with some older guys that are really into it, and the 'leader' of it all goes so far as to tape the games and edit it into an end of year highlight video that is sexy to watch while drinking. Anyway, he has recently released some older highlights on you tube. This is one of my favorites, the Dircks brothers meltdown on April Fools' Day, 2006. Enjoy.

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