Thursday, June 29, 2006

Before you read this, immediately scroll down and read Caspian James' stirring tales of fish and fellatio (or lack thereof). My post isn't at all related to his, but all the same, his post needs to be loved. I've had to hold off on posting this for a few days, just for him to shine on.

At this point we can all agree that the internet is for porn.

This question, however, relates to the 1.3% or so of the internet that is not hardcore gonzo porn.

Basically, you have your webpages set up as commercial services, your Amazons, Walmarts, Best Buys, etc. Those are easy enough to explain.

You also, however, have some websites that are set up primarily as community information centers. They make some ad revenue, but are pretty much there to collect community knowledge. I am thinking here of sites like wikipedia, youtube, urbandictionary, etc. Sites where people know something cool, or have a cool file, and take the time to put it up on the web for the general public to access.

I find myself using those sites more and more. Whenever I hear about a crazy sports moment that happened, I go to youtube to check it out. When I hear of a concept or term I don't understand or would like more in depth analysis on, I go to wikipedia or urbandictionary. Most times, those sites had just what it was that I needed, and if they don't, I get kind of pissed off.

That said, I have never contributed anything to any of the community-knowledge sites, and have no plans to at the moment. I have nothing against adding information to the internet, I just can't be bothered to take the time at the moment. I don't count this particular site as adding anything because I really don't add to anyone's knowledge, I think we can all agree on that.

I wonder, however, who are the people that maintain these sites and whether they will eventually get tired of doing it. I am, shamelessly, feeloading off of their efforts. What do they get from it? What motivates someone to put a video on youtube, especially if the video does not feature something they did themselves? What about wiki? Is there a prestige value attached to being a main contributor to the site? Is that enough to where people are going to want to contribute to it?

Basically, what is the dynamic (psychological, economic, etc.) that is causing people to provide me with all of this cool knowledge and shit, and is that dynamic sustainable?? I'm scared.

Monday, June 26, 2006

First of all - you are all dumb pussies. Second of all - I am drunk. Next up - fabulous stories of my recent 37 inch, 16 pound Northern Pickerel. You all eat ass. I have also recently eaten black pussy. It tasted nothing like KFC. Dissapointment sinks in. Slowly. Anyways - I catch this sweet huge pig of a Northern - get a giant boner - try to keep it from eating my hand, and have an all around good time. You posers all suck. Take time to respond to my case race email. Did I mention I like the hot chocolate? It tastes chocalately.

I ate this bitches box for like an hour. She asks me if I like BJs. I say "yes". She says " I don't do that" Then why the fuck ask? Then she proceeds to put her clothes back on and give me a handy. Boo-urns.

I'm going to go pass out. You are gay (Tom) and (Kimball).

Who wants in on Tori - i Hunter in 2010? Let's start a grass roots campaign tomorrow.

37 inches of sweet, Northern death. I'll post pictures when I get them. You will all be impressed. I spite you all with the power of seven maelstroms. Eat shit. Also buy T-Shirts from Lettermen and buy signs from teeblah. But only if you buy American. And thank the lord for 15 year old Phillipino girls with thick necks and no self esteem. And enjoy minorities and disabled folks when ever possible. Also eat dick.

I'm drunk. You all can eat balls - but only in the most complimentary sense of the phrase. Poop.

Caspian James Crichton-Stuart IV
Fifth Duke of Cleveland
27th Heir to the British Throne
Queller of Uprisings
Incitor of 3-Somes
Go Go Dancer
Eagle Scout
Secret Agent
Bad Ass
Fat Girl Pimp
Perveyor of Vintage Porno
Big Brother/Big Sister Mentor
President of the Max Fisher Players.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Is there anyone less likable than Ozzie Guillen? Check out this link to the story about him calling Jay Mariotti a "fucking fag".
Here is the best part of his "apology":
"Jay, I think I made this guy a lot of money and he's famous. If not for Ozzie Guillen, no one would have heard of him," Guillen said. "If I hurt anybody with what I called him, I apologize."
Another teary-eyed apology from the land of the fuck-tard's, "IF I hurt anybody" Take your caveat and shove it up your ass, you pompous prick. That's not an apology. As for making Jay alot of money and no one hearing of him, WTF? Is he talking about his playing career? No, he must be talking about his managing...But Mariotti has been on ESPN since 2001 and Guillen only been managing since 2004...I guess it must his playing career with his .264 Lifetime BA. Sure, he was a three time All-star and finished 17th in the MVP voting in 1990 but that type of career doesn't exactly create good sportswriters. The worst part about his asinine behavior is that it will probably be backed by his team, since this whole deal is spiralling out of a situation in which he lambasted a rookie last week for not throwing a retalitory bean ball (he was subsequently sent to the minors). This fucking hard ass bull shit. Stop making baseball about your dick. I know it has kind of been that way for ever, but you could say the same thing about women's suffrage, slavery and homosexuality. There comes a point when even the dullest tools in the shed realize a way of thinking is stupid and it should be changed. There is no reason to throw bean balls and retalitory bean balls and incite brawls in baseball. You make millions of dollars a year playing a game. I'm not saying you can't take it seriously but this machismo bullshit is all fun and games til someone gets seriously injured from a bean ball or a brawl. When the dude's family is visiting him in the hospital maybe you can take a step back and realize you're an idiot.

I probably could have tightened up that rant a little but the World Cup is finally on (thanks Dircks) so I gotta go.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Is there a worse show on television than Charmed?

Saturday, June 10, 2006

We interrupt your scheduled Twins rant for your scheduled funny clip. Seriously, James they can do videos for History Day, right?

Also check out the new(?) Adult Swim shit, Korgoth.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Fucking Twins Fuckers

First off, I wish I was at the cabin last weekend. Hopefully nobody gave themselves any black eyes while vomiting on the deck this year.

Where to begin with our lovable losers?

Maybe we could start at the top, with the man in command, Mr. Ronald Gardenhire. His roster decsions, lineup decisions, in-game management and overall presence in the dugout may cost the Twins 20 games this season, minimum. Why would you want to bring in Joe Nathan, ever, anyway? Obviously he's terrible, and Jesse Crain is way better. You have to like Juan Castro's leadership out there as well. I mean, why else would you want a guy that's batting .236 with a .267 OBP and 7 errors (which should be realistically be around 10-12, due to some questionable scoring decsions). He must be one charming motherfucking shortstop. And at this point, is Boof honestly a better option than Scott Baker? From all accounts, Baker seems to be the one with more potential. Torii needs to go run through coach's stop signs, underachieve and stir the pot somewhere else, Rondeezy, Batista, Ruben Sierra, and everyone else over the age of 33 and hitting under .250 need to be dealt with as well. It almost makes me sick to see the players that we continue to run out there.

I think it's time to admit to ourselves that it's a lost season, that a huge reason the Twins ever won anything in recent years was due to the fact that they played against shitty teams from AL Central's past, and that steps need to be taken to ensure that when the new park opens up in 2010, they don't put a team on the field that still includes Tony Batista. You have Santana, Liriano, Nathan, Mauer and (maybe, I'm not giving up yet) Morneau. If they start now, they could pull a mid 90's Indians, move into the new park, dominate, sell out 3,000 straight games and we can all take showers in champagne after our huge statewide orgy. You know, the Indians have retooled sucessfully twice in the last 10-12 years. Maybe the Twins should take a look at what they're doing and follow suit, because when you pride yourself on "doing the little things right", then go and get picked off, miss signs, miss bunts, and botch defensive plays, you aren't really doing what you set out to do, and maybe you need to try something else.

I'll probably continue to stay up until 1:30 AM and watch them lose, because I really have nothing else to do, and usually "Yo Momma" isn't on around that time. But rest assured a lot of people are going to start turning them off, and then what do you have? The Minnesota Timberwolves.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Finally getting around to posting about the weekend. I fun time had by all I would assume. Perfect weather and some solid bocce, although Sober Lani some how retains his title. Had to hit up Wiki for a little clarification.
Also after many of you left on Sunday, James, Cristin, Nicole, and I went to the dump. There was an insane man there as you might assume working the dump in Gordon, WI. He pretty much heckled me the whole time. Then one of the bags ripped in the back seat. Awesome. Anyway, afterward we head to the Old Oak to get some food. James and Crist order Diet cokes and Nic and I order Heavy Cokes. Dude comes back with 4 cans of soda, 3 cokes and one diet pepsi. Alright whatever, but James diet pepsi tastes a little funny so he checks the exp. date, last Aug! Nice, so we order up the food and the dude is weird then too, stepping on Cristins foot and than accusing her of playing footsy with him... So he comes back with the food and James gets the fish sandwich instead of the chicken he clearly ordered. The food altogether was pretty bad and we go pay our tab. Some dude at the bar starts telling me about how his brother that lives in Minneapolis and doesn't ahve any friends because he is always on business trips in South America. Finally, we are done paying and aas we walk out the door James gets one of those big gumballs from a machine at the door. The gumball is stale. I am shocked. Three strikes for James and you have to wonder if his bright blue "DFL Family" shirt had anything to do with it in the middle of the deep woods of North West Sconnie.